Le Sattva Product

Le Sattva Product

Jatamansi Powder

The herb has multiple benefits ranging from skincare, treating the bacterial infection, odour removing to anti-inflammatory, laxative, sleep-inducing, being good for the uterus among others. It can be used to dye hair black naturally. It also makes hair smooth and shiny. Symptoms such as mood swings, sleep disturbance, dizziness, fatigue, headaches, difficulty in concentration can be treated with this herb. Jatamansi is considered to be memory enhancing. It also has relaxing and calming attributes which makes it an important ingredient for various ayurvedic and herbal medicinal products.

Botanical Name Nordostychys Jatamnsi
English Name Balched, Indian Spikenardn
Key Features Pure and Natural Microfine powder
Strengthens hair roots
Prevents bacterial infection
Maintains hair color
Hair and Scalp Relaxant
Promote hair growth


The herb has multiple benefits ranging from skincare, treating the bacterial infection, odour removing to anti-inflammatory, laxative, sleep-inducing, being good for the uterus among others. It can be used to dye hair black naturally. It also makes hair smooth and shiny. Symptoms such as mood swings, sleep disturbance, dizziness, fatigue, headaches, difficulty in concentration can be treated with this herb. Jatamansi is considered to be memory enhancing. It also has relaxing and calming attributes which makes it an important ingredient for various ayurvedic and herbal medicinal products.

Directions to use

Mix 10% Jatamansi Powder and 90% Neutral henna with water to make a thin paste. Apply the paste in suitable consistency on the scalp. Allow the paste to remain on scalp for one hour. Rinse scalp thoroughly with water.

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